
What was the Verdict from Jokowi and Team 9 Meeting?

President Jokowi met with team 9 along with Supreme Advisory council to discuss polemic between two leading Indonesian institutions., Jakarta - President Joko 'Jokowi' has set up a team called team 9 which consists of nine prominent figures. These figures are given the obligation to help the President address the recently heated KPK- Polri issue which has dominated the media headline both domestically and internationally. In light of the issue, the team has prepared and delivered their opinion about the conflict to Jokowi. 

The team 9 gave their recommendation to Jokowi during the meeting on Wednesday 28 January 2015 where the supreme advisory council was also present. One of the team 9 members, Imam Prasodjo shared the conclusion of yesterday’s meeting.

"That afternoon, we came to the Presidential palace as we have been invited by the President to discuss and exchange inputs about the recent issue which has populated the minds of many Indonesian," Imam told through a written statement, Jakarta, Thursday (29/01/2015).

The issue that has gained popularity in the past few days is polemic between two law-enforcing institutions, the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission and the Indonesian Police. Both sides have their own takes in this particular situation and both have evidently extended their efforts to overthrow one another.

The issue becomes exacerbated overtime, causing popular outcry in many sectors of the society. The tumult has inevitably affected the legal, political, moral and ethics of Indonesia as a whole. This of course has led many into questioning whether or not Indonesia is ready to be a country that is free from corruption.

"At around 10.30 am, we went to loiter in a function room inside the Presidential palace. The members were, the former Chairman of Muhammadiyah Association Syafii Maarif, Former Chairman of the constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie, Former Deputy chairman of Indonesian of Police Oegroseno, Univeristy of Indonesia International Relations Professor Hikmahanto Juwana, Police Observer Bambang Widodo Umar, former leaders of KPK Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean and Erry Riyana, Sociologist Imam Prasodjo and former head of Indonesian Police General Sutanto," Imam said.

Inside the function room we were told to wait, there was a number of Supreme Advisory Council (Watimpres) members who also came to speak to the President. They were scheduled to see him first.

"It is possible that President Jokowi also met with Watimpres to discuss the KPK Polri polemic as the he has been viewed by the public to be in favor of Budi Gunawan despite him being named as a suspect for graft-case. It is possible that Jokowi seeks for a solution with them as well," he continued.

At around 11.30 am, the team finally escourted to the meeting room, accompanied by the Indonesian State Secretary Pratikno. They met in a disclosed function room. 

"During the meeting, he took time to greet us one by one and told us his everyday agenda that made him so tired. He tried to relax, but he could not hide the intensity behind his relaxed gesture," Imam added.

The leader of team 9, Syafii Maarif opened up the discussion by firstly requesting for the President to explain the situation between KPK and Polri and then ask for help from the team as to what aid can be given in order for this issue to dissipate.

"The President took a deep breath. He then conveyed what has been bothering in his mind. The dilemma that he has to face, with the one relating to Budi Gunawan being named as a suspect for graft-case by KPK and the the issue encountered by KPK. He was trying to find a hasty solution so that this problem can go away soon, I can see his commitment to resolve this problem in the most unbiased way and to be done in accordance to the existing law," he shared.

At the same time, the President has to face inevitable outcry within the political spectrum. He admits how he cannot deny the pressure given by the parliament and supporters in the political parties who have given all they have for the President to be where he is now. The discussion went from a laid- back one to an intense one and each and every one of the team 9 member tried giving opinion so that the President will have more options to go through before making unhealthy and hasty decision that would be detrimental to the nation.

"It is much more comfortable to speak to President Jokowi. Different from when SBY was still in power, talking to the predecessor was quite formal, intense and that it was pretty much a one way conversation," he added.

"One hour has passed.  Pratikno as the State Secretary jot down all the important points that both the President and the team 9 have made. This means Jokowi considers and appreciates our view. However, I don’t think he is ready to give his answer. He doesn’t seem definitive yet on his decision. Maybe not yet. Because this is a difficult issue, this is dilemmatic for him. Maybe he needs more time to think, but how much longer will the issue continue? This has affected the Indonesian legal, politics, moral and ethics. One day means a lot for progress," he explained.

In the midst of heated conflict between KPK and Polri, Imam encourages all sectors of law-enforcing agencies to prioritize moral and ethics. Because, even with the law playing the most definitive role, it would only be justified through moral and ethical grounds.

"Obedience towards the law is desirable, but we need to establish some moral and ethical grounds so that it does not clash with the individuals who condemn it. So I think, ethical argument and moral aspect have to be prioritized above procedural normative law," Imam explained.

"The meeting finally ended as the President had to work on another agenda. We left the palace and headed for the Secretariat building," he concluded. (Akp/Tnt)


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