
Cek Fakta: Virus Corona Sudah Sampai Kuching Malaysia? Ini Faktanya

Viral, kabar tenang virus corona sudah sampai Kuching, Malaysia. Benarkah?, Jakarta - Kabar tentang virus corona yang sudah mencapai Kuching, Malaysia beredar di media sosial. Kabar ini diunggah oleh akun facebook Desky Wati pada 30 Januari 2020.

Akun ini mengunggah sebuah gambar yang memperlihatkan seorang pria yang tergeletak di lantai. Sejumlah petugas medis terlihat tengah memberikan pertolongan kepada pria tersebut.

Dalam gambar tersebut juga terdapat sebuah narasi yang menyebut bahwa virus corona sudah mencapai Kuching, Malaysia.

"Bagi teman teman yg ingin jalan jalan ke Kuching dan KL saya pesankan agar jangan berkunjung dulu karena virus Corona telah masuk ke negeri Malaysia ini," tulis akun facebook Desky Wati.

Konten yang diunggah akun facebook Desky Wati telah 735 kali dibagikan dan mendapat 48 komentar warganet.

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Penelusuran Fakta

Cek fakta mencoba menelusuri kebenaran kabar virus corona yang sudah mencapai Kuching, Malaysia. Termasuk foto yang disebarkan oleh akun facebook Desky Wati.

Dengan menggunakan mesin pencari google images, hasilnya foto yang sama pernah diunggah oleh akun facebook Hang Loqlaq pada 27 Januari 2020 lalu.

Akun ini menambahkan sebuah narasi dalam konten yang diunggahnya. Dalam narasi tersebut, akun ini menjelaskan bahwa peristiwa di dalam foto tak ada kaitannya dengan virus apapun.

"Kejadian pelancong tiba tiba rebah. Tolong jgn kaitkan dengan apa apa virus ok? Katakan tercekik makan kacang kuda. Ok?😜 ," tulis akun facebook Hang Loqlaq.

Jika foto tersebut diperhatikan lebih detil, terlihat sebuah tas berwarna merah yang berada di dekat korban dan petugas medis. Tas berwarna merah tersebut mirip dengan tempat menyimpan alat Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), yakni alat yang digunakan pada prosedur penyelamatan seseorang yang mengalamai serangan jantung.

Pria yang tergeletak dalam gambar tersebut diprediksi merupakan korban serangan jantung. Petugas medis tampak berupaya memberikan pertolongan pertama dengan menggunakan peralatan CPR dan menekan dada korban.

Ketika ditelusuri lebih lanjut, Cek Fakta menemukan artikel yang memberitakan soal adanya seorang warga Singapura yang mengalami serangan jantung di depan konter imigrasi Terminal Bus Sultan Abu Bakar, Johor, Malaysia pada 25 Januari 2020 lalu.

Meski tidak menyertakan foto yang sama, artikel dari situs dengan judul artikel "Malaysian police: Singaporean man dies due to heart attack in Johor, not from coronavirus" memastikan bahwa korban yang mendadak tak sadarkan diri itu bukan karena infeksi virus corona.

JOHOR BARU (THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - Malaysian police have refuted a Facebook post that has been making rounds on social media of a Chinese citizen who had allegedly died of Wuhan coronavirus on a bus near the Second-Link.

Iskandar Puteri district police chief Dzulkhairi Mukhtar said the victim was in fact a Singaporean.

The 78-year-old man, who passed out at the immigration counter at Kompleks Sultan Abu Bakar, died of a heart attack on Saturday (Jan 25).

"The deceased was travelling with his 68-year-old wife from Singapore to Genting Highlands for a vacation.

"When the bus stopped at the immigration counter, he complained to his wife of having chest pains and feeling uncomfortable, before passing out," said Assistant Commissioner of Police Dzulkhairi in a statement on Sunday (Jan 26).

He added that the man was sent to Hospital Sultanah Aminah where medical staff confirmed that he had died due to a heart attack.

"The man also has a history of heart problems and was seeking treatment in Singapore," he said, adding that the incident took place at about 7.05am on Saturday.

ACP Dzulkhairi warned the public against spreading online posts that are not based on facts or from unverified sources.

"The individual who spread the news has been investigated under Section 505(b) of the Penal Code for conduct with the intent to cause fear or alarm to the public," he said.

He added that if convicted, the individual responsible could face a maximum two-year jail sentence or a fine or both.

Rumours about the man's death come at a sensitive time in Malaysia, amid widespread concerns over the Wuhan virus.

Four people have been confirmed to have the Wuhan coronavirus in Malaysia.

The first three were Chinese citizens who entered Malaysia via Johor Baru. They are the wife, 65, and two grandsons of a 66-year-old man from Wuhan, who is currently being treated in Singapore for the same virus. The children are aged 11 and two.

The fourth case is a 40-year-old man who is also from Wuhan, who was part of a tour group that travelled by bus to Johor from Singapore on Wednesday.

Sementara Wakil Kepala Menteri Sarawak, Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas memastikan bahwa daerah Kuching, Sarawak belum ditemukan adanya warga yang terinfeksi virus corona. Informasi ini dikutip dari situs dengan judul "Coronavirus: Self-quarantine a must for Sarawakians who visited Singapore, says DCM".

KUCHING (THE STAR/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - The state government has instructed those in Sarawak who have been to Singapore to undergo 14 days of self-quarantine at home.

Deputy Chief Minister Amar Douglas Uggah said the decision takes effect on Monday (Feb 10) in view of Singapore's orange alert for the coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China.

According to the island republic's Disease Outbreak Response System Condition or Dorscon, orange means the outbreak is deemed to have moderate to high public health impact.

Datuk Uggah said Sarawak was worried by the occurrence of coronavirus clusters in Singapore in a church, a health products shop and a hotel where a business conference was held.

"The victims ranged from churchgoers to taxi drivers, private-hire drivers, tour guides and a teacher. They had not been to China but were affected in these places," he said after chairing a state disaster management committee meeting on the latest developments in the coronavirus situation here on Monday.

Mr Uggah also said the committee will engage organisations representing places of worship, taxi, bus and hotel associations and the Unit for Other Religions for their cooperation.

"We are still free of the novel coronavirus. I appeal to all to give us their unbridled support and cooperation," he said.

He said Sarawak has recorded 60 patients under investigation as of Sunday, of whom 43 had tested negative and 17 more with results pending.

Of the 17 pending cases, 11 are Malaysians, five Chinese nationals and one Thai.

Meanwhile, the state health department advised anyone feeling unwell to avoid attending meetings, gatherings or religious events.

Similarly, individuals under home surveillance should not attend functions or events either.

"They are strongly advised to remain at home and minimise their time spent in public places," it said.

The department also advised event organisers to take precautions, such as providing hand sanitisers at the entrance, denying entry to unwell individuals, carry out temperature screening if possible and frequently clean commonly used areas.

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Belum ada laporan yang menyebut bahwa virus corona sudah sampai ke Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Foto yang diunggah oleh akun facebook Desky Wati tak terkait dengan virus corona. Narasi yang disampaikan tidak sesuai dengan fakta sebenarnya.


Data: Eka M

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